Pacemaker control


If a pacemaker has been placed, it must be regularly checked by the pacemaker technician to see if it is still working properly.

How does the examination work?
Here you will find all the important information about your research.

Where do you report?

The examination takes place at the Cardiology Function Department, Floor 1, buiding H3.

During the study

  • During the examination, the pacemaker technician always monitors your heart rhythm. For this you get a wet gauze with a clamp on your wrists and ankles.
  • The pacemaker technician takes a number of measurements. The pacemaker stores a lot of information that we can read out. Sometimes settings need to be adjusted. The cooperation between the pacemaker and your own heart should be as good as possible. A special telemetry head seeks contact with your pacemaker. The pacemaker technician places this telemetry head on your chest where the pacemaker sits.

It may be that you feel something during the measurements. Usually this is a light or heavy feeling in your head or palpitations. This feeling differs greatly per person. You may experience it as annoying, but it will not hurt. The pacemaker technician who performs the examination tries to keep these moments as short as possible. If the pacemaker technician sees any particulars during the checkups, this will be passed on to your cardiologist.

The examination takes about 30 minutes.


After the examination

What happens after the examination?


After the examination, you can go home again.


Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions about the pacemaker, you can ask them to the pacemaker team staff, telephone number 745-0023. You can reach them on weekdays from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.


Have some feedback for us?

Use our Compliments and Complaints process to let us know.
In the case of an emergency, call 910