
The dermatologist works closely with you and your health care team to understand and address your dermatologic needs and give you the right answers the first time.


CMCs Dermatology Department provides comprehensive care for people who seek answers about conditions and diseases of their skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. CMC’s dermatologist diagnoses and treats hundreds of conditions, including many that are rare or complex. The dermatologist works closely with you and your health care team to understand and address your dermatologic needs and give you the right answers the first time.

CMC’s skin specialist has expertise in genetics, immunology, melanoma, oral disease, pathology, pediatrics, pharmacology, public health and surgery. The specialist also performs other dermatologic surgical procedures.

Treatments & Conditions

  • Rash
  • Blistering diseases
  • Connective tissue disease
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Lymphoma
  • Dermatitis
  • Genetic Hair loss
  • Melanoma
  • Carcinoma
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin Cancer
  • Skin tags
  • Varicose Veins

Dermatology Programs & Services

  • Vein Treatment

Muller Flebectomie
Müller’s phlebectomy is a simple and minimally invasive surgical technique that allows removal of side branches or small isolated varicose veins through tiny incisions (2 or 3mm). For small isolated veins it can be carried out under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis, or it can be used to complement any of the other techniques to remove the collateral branches.

  • Dermatoscopie

Dermatoscopy is an in vivo noninvasive technique used to examine pigmented and amelanotic skin lesions. The technique is performed using a hand-held self-illuminating device called dermatoscope that visualizes features present under the skin surface that are not normally visible to unaided eye. The images from the dermatoscope can be digitally photographed or recorded for future reference.

  • SAO Screening

A skin cancer screening is where your dermatologist will visually inspect your skin to look for suspicious lesions. It does not involve any blood tests. Unless a biopsy or other procedure is needed, the skin exam is painless.

  • Epicutane plaktest / Patch test

/Patch tests are a great tool for identifying responsible contact allergen(s), and also for excluding contact allergens. These tests use extracts of substances known to cause contact dermatitis in some people. Instead of introducing them to the skin with needles, patches with these substances are applied to the skin. Comprehensive patch testing has been demonstrated repeatedly to have a much higher probability of yielding a diagnosis of a specific allergy, compared to limited patch testing, thus leading to a much higher probability of a cure.

  • Skin Cancer Treatment

Skin cancer is the most common cancer. Non-melanoma skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, are not likely to spread and may require little more than minor surgery or topical treatment. Melanoma, which accounts for about 2 percent of all skin cancers but is responsible for most skin cancer deaths, may spread through the lymphatic system or bloodstream to other organs. The pathologists and oncologists at CMC are exerts in treating skin cancer. Your oncologist may recommend surgery, targeted therapy or plastic surgery to restore function and appearance, if necessary.

  • Sclerocomppression therapy

Sclerotherapy effectively treats varicose and spider veins. It’s often considered the treatment of choice for small varicose veins.

Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution directly into the vein. The sclerotherapy solution causes the vein to scar, forcing blood to reroute through healthier veins. The collapsed vein is reabsorbed into local tissue and eventually fades.

After sclerotherapy, treated veins tend to fade within a few weeks, although occasionally it may take a month or more to see the full results. In some instances, several sclerotherapy treatments may be needed.

  • Microneedling

Microneedling improves texture, reduces fine lines and scarring by stimulating collagen production.

Small needles penetrate the skin, triggering the body’s natural healing response resulting in collagen production which is stronger, and firmer.

For best results, we recommend a course of treatments combined with conditioning treatments to get long-term results.