Nephrology & Dialysis

The Nephrology-dialysis department treats patients with acute and chronic kidney problems. Patients are cared for by the consultation service and in the hospitalisation unit.


The Nephrology-dialysis department treats patients with acute and chronic kidney problems. Patients are cared for by the consultation service and in the hospitalisation unit. The Nephrology-dialysis department also has an extensive dialysis department, that offers all the existing dialysis techniques (dialysis both in hospital and at home).
A skilled and motivated team of nephrologists and specialist nurses are ready to help kidney patients. The Nephrology-dialysis department also has a team of administrative and logistic assistants as well as dieticians who can assist patients in all areas.

What is Nephrology?
The kidneys are vital organs that have various functions in our body: they remove excess water and waste from the body and regulate the levels of numerous mineral salts (including sodium, potassium and calcium) in our blood. In addition, they play a role in the blood pressure control and the creation of red blood cells.
With the emergence of a kidney disease, the patients are usually asymptomatic. There may be occasional symptoms, including high blood pressure, swollen feet, blood in the urine or other urinary symptoms. These then lead to blood and urine tests, which may show up a kidney disease. A severe kidney disease may be accompanied by symptoms like fatigue, itching, or loss of appetite.
Finding the exact cause of the kidney disorder is a key factor in the monitoring and treatment of kidney disease. It may be diagnosed based on blood and urine testing, as well as imaging of the kidneys (ultrasound, CT scans). To reach a diagnosis, it may be necessary to perform a kidney biopsy, for which a small fraction of kidney tissue is collected for microscopical testing.

If the kidneys are working at less than about 10%, they are no longer managing to keep the blood clean. To prevent blood poisoning, a treatment that replaces kidney function needs to be started. We call this treatment dialysis or artificial kidney treatment. Dialysis removes the waste products and excess fluid from the body.