Rinsing of the nose


There are several reasons to rinse the nose, for example
-acute and chronic sinusitis
-hay fever, dust mite allergy and allergy to animals (cat, dog, horse, etc.)
-after nose surgery
-in case of a cold

There are different types of nasal wash. It is important that the nose is rinsed with about 150-200 cc of saline, which type of wash you choose does not matter.

You can buy saline or make it yourself:

  • You can buy it ready-made in a bottle at the Botika: physiological salt.
  • You can buy pre-packaged bags of salt at the Botika and mix with tap water
  • Or you make it yourself: the ratio is a liter of tap water with a teaspoon of salt (normal table salt, NB: iodine can sting, so preferably without iodine).


  • Fill your nasal shower (neti pot) with saline
  • Place the nasal shower in one of your nostrils and gently squeeze the bottle while saying a “K” sound. As a result, the soft palate closes your nose and the saline solution gets as little as possible in the back of your throat. After squeezing, let the saline flow out of your other nostril. The rinsing water can flow out through the same nostril as well as through the other nostril. Both are good. If necessary, you blow your nose lightly. There will then be extra saline and dirt from your nose.
  • Then place the tip of the nasal shower in the other nostril and gently squeeze the bottle again. Repeat until the nasal shower is completely empty. By squeezing gently, you prevent saline from getting into your throat. If that does happen, it is not harmful and you just spit it out.

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