NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Test)


The NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Test) is a relatively new form of screening of the unborn child (prenatal examination) with a high degree of accuracy for chromosome abnolmalities that include Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edward syndrome (trisomy 18) and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13) as well as the sex of your baby.
This testing analyzes small fragments of DNA that are circulating in a pregnant woman’s blood. During pregnancy, the mother’s bloodstream contains a mix of DNA that comes from her cells and cells from the placenta. The placenta is tissue in the uterus that links the fetus and the mother’s blood supply. These cells are shed into the mother’s bloodstream throughout pregnancy.
You must be at least 11 weeks pregnant to take NIPT. There is no additional risk of miscarriage after taking NIPT.

By appointment only
The NIPT can only be done by appointment. You can easily make an appointment yourself.

The test

How does the test work?
NIPT is considered noninvasive because it requires drawing blood only from the pregnant woman and does not pose any risk to the fetus. During the NIPT, the laboratory technician will quickly draw blood from your arm with a needle and syringe. This sample is then sent to the lab, where a technician will look at the DNA in your blood for signs of abnormalities.


NIPT is a screening test, which means that it will not give a definitive answer about whether or not a fetus has a genetic condition. The test can only estimate whether the risk of having certain conditions is increased or decreased.

When will you get the results?
If there is no abnormal result found with the NIPT, you will receive the results. If the test is not successful, or is there a different result, then we will call you.

Practical tips

What do you take with you?
At every appointment in the hospital you must bring a valid proof of identity, your patient card and insurance card.


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