Advice After An Outpatient Procedure

  • If there is a little blood loss, lie down and press the wound for 10 minutes with a gauze or washcloth. After 10 minutes, the bleeding should have stopped. Rest is usually conducive to healing.
  • As soon as the anaesthetic has worn off, the treated areas can still be a bit painful. It is advisable to take one or two tablets of Paracetamol in time (e.g. before bedtime), but not Aspirin, because this gives blood thinning.
  • After procedures on the face or the head, it is advisable to cool these areas regularly during the first 2 days during the day with cold pack or cold compresses to prevent as much swelling and bruising as possible. Never place it directly on the skin and wounds, but protect them by placing a gauze or a thin cloth under the cold compress or bag.
  • In procedures on the limbs, placing the arm or leg high promotes healing and prevents swelling.
  • It is advisable not to bend down too much, lift or carry too much in the first 2 days after the procedure to prevent (increase in) swelling.
  • It is advisable not to use alcohol for 24 hours after treatment, as this can also have a blood-thinning effect.
  • You can just take a shower. It is better not to bathe, swim or visit the sauna for 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Leave the patches in place until you come to the outpatient clinic for checking and removing the sutures.
  • The sensation around the treated area may be reduced and feel numb. The scar can also feel tight. These sensations will disappear during the healing process of about 4 to 6 months. It is important that the end-result is only reached after 6 (face) or 12 (rest of the body) months.
  • You will have 2 check-ups; after one or two weeks to remove the stitches and check the scars. The second check-up is if necessary after two to three months to see how the recovery is going.
  • Inflammation or infections are characterized by the fact that the wound and the skin around it becomes warm and red, swells increasingly, the pain increases and that you may get a fever or chills. If these symptoms occur, you should contact the plastic surgeon on duty via the general number of the CMC: (+5999) 745-0000.

Source of information :  Nederlandse Vereniging voor Plastische Chirurgie


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